Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hong Kong Homeland House

I finally arrived in Hong Kong last night and unlike my last visit everything ran like clockwork. The flight was long and boring but 17 hours, three meals, 4 vodka tonics, 2 ambien, 1 issue of Vanity Fair, 1/2 of the new Dan Brown book, and a whole bag of Sweedish Fish later later, I was greeted by my driver who only let out a small gasp when he saw the aforementioned 197 lbs. of luggage. 40 minutes later I arrived on my new doorstep – just like that.

I think I described the apartment as “Bordello meets Opium Den”, which may have been a little harsh, it certainly is not décor that can be enjoyed by just anyone but for those who know me well , you will see for yourself why I find it so amusing. By the way it is very comfortable and clean. The air conditioning works so well I am actually wearing a sweater at the moment, I can’t figure how to turn the blasted thing off.

The apartment is great,better than I remember. The décor is not for everyone but it is very homey and comfortable. I am sure I will have a lot to write about this week as everything is new and worth noting but tonight I think I will stick to showing you what my crazy new apartment looks like. I have decided to call it the “Homeland House” , with all these patriotic Mao paintings and tributes everywhere I think you will understand why. As much as I love it though, I am glad my bedroom is relatively calm and understated, as 'cute' as all these Communist Babies are, I don't want to sleep with 'em in the same room.

And by the way if red is not your favorite color, I guess I won’t invite you over any time soon. In Asian cultures the color red is considered lucky, if so then I am living in the luckiest place in Hong Kong. When I get my wits about me I will consult the Feng Shui principles to make sure everything is just right so I can have a lucky and prosperous visit.

This kitchen is pretty big for Hong Kong

Sunday, September 27, 2009

In To The Wild Blue Yonder

I am writing from the Newark airport as I have approximately one hour until I board my flight to Hong Kong and it has been a long day already. Mike and I were up at 5:00 and though we were both keeping a brave face on it was very hard to go about this morning as it were any other business trip, I miss him already! My dog, after seeing a legion of suitcases for the last few weeks, was so disgusted with me she refused me even the smallest goodbye smooch… heartbreaking. She doesn’t like it when I go and she had no problem letting me know it. Just to get even with her  I am publishing a rather unflattering picture of her, in DRAG!

And speaking of suitcases I have 197 pounds of luggage. Seriously folks, I know you are asking what on earth does one do with that much stuff, my question is what on earth does one do without it? To quote my favorite Yogi (bear that is), I am bigger than “your average bear” and if my shoe breaks or my blouse falls apart at the dry cleaners it isn’t so easy to get another one in a country where a size 8 is considered “Missy”. So I took all they would let me and more. I am sure at some point in the next 20 hours – I will be cursing myself and wishing I was just another smelly backpacker traveling the world with a pair of tennis shoes and a t-shirt.

Aside from the incredibly long flight I am about ready to get on, and the fact that I am flying right towards yet another Typhoon, I am excited and I am ready for the adventure. Check back in a few days for updates, pictures and tales from the Far East!

Stay tuned

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Count Down to Hong Kong

Today I start counting down, exactly one week until my departure. Next Sunday I will be leaving the United States to move to Hong Kong for six months.

This move is the result of a very interesting (but extremely stressful) job opportunity overseas. I could go in to all the technical and yawn -inducing details about what I will be doing exactly, about what my job entails etc., but I don’t really think anyone would be all that interested in that. Instead, I am inclined to think that the people I know are most curious about the experience of living in such foreign place and what on earth I am going to be doing there every day all by myself.

The problem is finding time to actually talk to all of my friends and family when there is a 12-15 hour time difference between Hong Kong and the United States. Additionally the cost of doing so adds up for everyone pretty quickly.

So, with much reservation I am going to actually “BLOG”. Make no mistake I hate the very idea of a BLOG (I don’t even know what BLOG means exactly) but I prefer to think of these entries as virtual letters meant for my friends and family. My goal is to provide some sort of update for those of you who have expressed  so much curiosity about what my life will be like there, (I honestly couldn’t tell you at this point). Additionally since I have to leave my beloved husband and pooch behind this will help me channel the lonesome blues into something productive and fun.

1. You can read when you like or if you like
2. You don’t have to respond
3. Everything will be totally G-Rated and appropriate enough to read at work if you must.

I can’t promise that it will even be interesting, but I do promise that I will do it more or less once a week.  I hope that you are ocasionally amused or entertained by these entries

Stay tuned..